Pharmaceutical Grade HHC 

CAS Number: 6692-85-9

SKU: EL11 Category:


Hexahydrocannabinol (HHC) Microdots™Gummies

Pharmaceutical Grade HHC 

20  Microdot Gummies per pouch
12.5mg per gummie
250mg Total HHC  per pouch
Hemp-derived HHC
100% Natural Ingredients
No Artificial Colouring or Flavours
Assorted Natural Fruit

Active Ingredients: 12.5mg hemp-derived HHC per gummy.

Other Ingredients: MCT oil, Natural flavourings – orange paste, grapefruit, peach bitters glucose syrup, Natural colourings: Paprika  oleoresin & Beta-Carotenes, citric acid, corn starch, Agar agar and HHC

HHC, or Hexahydrocannabinol as its chemically known is a Hemp-derived Cannabinoid that has been gaining a lot of attention recently.

In relation to potency, HHC is thought to be about 65%-80% as strong as traditional THC (Delta-9-THC). We would like to clarify that by potency we mean the cannabinoid’s affinity for the CB1 receptors, which is the cannabinoid receptor responsible for inducing effects. The actual potency or intensity of effects you experience from a particular product has a lot to do with your personal tolerance and of course body weight.

This change in the onset of effects and duration of your high largely depends on how your body absorbs HHC.HHC orally consumed will travel through your digestive system and absorb through your intestinal walls, eventually entering your bloodstream and metabolising via your liver. HHC is then redistributed back into your bloodstream after the metabolisation process. Food intake and how much sustenance exists in your stomach affect HHC absorption. The more food in your belly, the slower the absorption rate will be.

As with other cannabinoids, the recent surge of interest in HHC doesn’t match the comprehensive studies into its safety and effects; much of the available information on HHC is speculative at this stage. So far our preliminary research indicates HHC has a safety profile comparable to THC, and reported side effects are similar to those resulting from high doses of THC.

The onset of HHC effects is 5-10 minutes via smoking or vaping HHC and up to 60 minutes via oral consumption, its must be made clear at this time that HHC is not authorised as a food products in the EU. Effects from smoking or vaping HHC products can last up to four hours and oral consumption up to six hours. HHC is not a medicine and does not claim to diagnose, treat or cure diseases.